Phantom Tollbooth

Linus says: [The Phantom Tollbooth] was awesome. It was a funny story. It’s about this boy who gets bored and decides to play a game and he gets lost. He gets gone for one hour but he doesn’t know it. He goes somewhere and then they tell him to go on a mission and then he comes back and it’s only been one hour. My favorite characters were the Humbug and Tock and Milo. My most favorite was Tock. He was the second friend (Milo) ever got. I didn’t know what a phantom was, but I did know what a tollbooth was when you told me.

Mom says: I gotta be honest and say that I remember not really liking this book when I was a kid. And as an adult, I can see how it was probably confusing and maybe a little fantasy-ish for me. But I can also really appreciate how clever and whimsical it is now. We listened to the audiobook we got from the library, narrated by David Hyde Pierce (you know, the guy from Frasier). It was excellent and fun to listen to on our daily commute to and from school. Linus even brought it inside and laid on his bed or floor listening by himself over the weekend. I thought it might be tough for him to follow the story but he seemed to get it!

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